Our Solutions

Our Mission:

At Avident Health, we seek to remove communication barriers, reduce complexity, and collapse specialty silos in cancer care. Moreover, we believe that in order to succeed, patients, their support team (family, friends, etc.) play a pivotal role in their treatment and must remain engaged and educated throughout the process.


MyNavigator is a HIPAA compliant mobile application that facilitates COLLABORATION between cancer NURSE NAVIGATORS, PATIENTs, multiple medical SPECIALISTS and PATIENT FAMILY AND FRIENDS. Through MyNavigator, nurse navigators can easily track patient appointments, send automatic reminders, and communicate with all patients and provider teams. The secure group chat functions allow a continuous channel of communication between everyone.

Navigator Dashboard

A summary dashboard provides a view of upcoming appointments, summary of chats, distress monitoring, invitations, and patient lists.

Patient List

List of active patients with relevant clinical details and next appointment summary along with distress flag.

Appointment Summary

Listing of patients with upcoming appointments as well as flags to identify those at risk of missing appointments or acknowledging reminders.

Patient and Team Chat

Ability to create multiple chat channels, including with patient & support team and other providers.

Patient View

List of active patients with relevant clinical details and next appointment summary along with distress flag.

What We’ve Achieved

  • Research collaborators included The Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, Medstar Health Research Institute and University of Illinois-Chicago

  • Research outcomes presented at ASCO 2020 and 2023, HFES International Symposium 2022, AONN Annual Conference 2022

  • Avident has allowance for 2 utility patents around algorithmic decision making and the use of block-chain technology in research

  • Our human factors needs assessment research was supported by a Genentech grant and an SBIR contract